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- UGEARS Triceratops Dinosaur Wooden Model Kit - 3D Wooden Puzzle for Adults - 1:32 Scale Mechanical Wooden Dinosaur Model - DIY Dinosaur 3D_並行輸入品
アイロン台, ストーブ, ゴミ箱、ダストボックス, ボディソープ
UGEARS Triceratops Dinosaur Wooden Model Kit - 3D Wooden Puzzle for Adults - 1:32 Scale Mechanical Wooden Dinosaur Model - DIY Dinosaur 3D_並行輸入品
・HERBIVORE ON THE MOVE: Delve into the world of dinosaur model kits with this advanced 3d puzzle, which boasts an ingenious system of gears and springs. Witness the iconic Triceratops stride on all fours, with its tail swaying in perfect harmony with its steps, mirroring the majestic gait of its real-world counterpart, bringing the feel of wooden moving dinosaur models right into your home
・ECHOES OF A FORGOTTEN ERA: The enthralling world of palaeontology is at your fingertips as you construct this meticulously designed Triceratops model, capturing the awe-inspiring presence of this mighty herbivore. This is a model for models to build adults, as the towering skull, formidable horns, and distinct bony frill are recreated in intricate detail in this dinosaur model kit.
・DISCOVER THE JOY OF CREATION: Bring the ancient beast back to life in a journey of assembly that offers approximately 8+ hours of engagement. This model kit for adults includes 400 pre-cut pieces and comprehensive instructions in 11 languages, offering a gratifying model building experience that combines love for intricate design and mechanics.
・CAPTIVATING GIFT: The Ugears Triceratops stands as an exceptional gift for dinosaur enthusiasts, 3d puzzle devotees, and fans of design, mechanics, and ancient history. This wooden model kit can be customized to create a unique masterpiece, perfect for a dinosaur wooden models collection, becoming the first piece in your personal Cretaceous Park collection!
Description Revive the Era of Giants with the Ugears Triceratops
Step into the shoes of a prehistoric creature with the Ugears Triceratops, an intricately designed wooden model kit for adults that breathes life into the majestic world of dinosaurs. This remarkable DIY model features lifelike scaling and exceptional attention to detail, embodying the formidable essence of this successful species in a wooden dinosaur model.
CONQUER THE CRETACEOUS CHALLENGE: Welcome to the world of sophisticated craftsmanship with this 'Advanced' level dinosaur wooden model kit. Nestled between the dinosaur's shoulder blades, you'll find a winding key that animates this majestic beast, set into motion by a metal spring transmitting power through a reduction gear to drive the four legs.
A JOURNEY THROUGH JURASSIC ERA: Experience an immersive journey back in time with this 3D wooden puzzle. Engage with its intricate mechanics that bring a realistic walking action and a swaying tail, synchronised with the movement of the legs just like a real dinosaur. The Triceratops' mechanism allows it to cover up to 90-100 cm with each winding, transforming your collection with a dynamic interactive element.
DIVE INTO THE DINOSAUR DOMAIN: The Ugears Triceratops model brings the prehistoric era right into your home. This wooden dinosaur model kit is more than a static display; it’s a peek into the past and a thrilling addition to your hobby. Once wound up, place the Triceratops on a smooth, flat surface. Hold the automaton gently by the tail, push the "Start" switch down and release. Witness your Triceratops spring to life, sauntering off with a swinging tail, bobbing head and snapping jaws, embodying the true essence of these magnificent beasts.
Start your prehistoric journey with the Ugears Triceratops now, and bring an extraordinary chapter of earth's history to your home! A must-have for fans of dinosaur model kits.
カテゴリー: パズル
メーカー: UGEARS
ブランド: UGEARS
高さ: 37.4 センチ
幅: 17.1 センチ
奥行: 5.0 センチ
重量: 0.7 Kg
UGEARS Triceratops Dinosaur Wooden Model Kit - 3D Wooden Puzzle for Adults - 1:32 Scale Mechanical Wooden Dinosaur Model - DIY Dinosaur 3D Puzzle with
: UGEARS Triceratops Dinosaur Wooden Model Kit
Ugears Triceratops Assembly Video | English Subtitles
Mechanical UGEARS wooden 3D puzzle Model Dinosaur
Triceratops model kit
Triceratops Mechanical Model for Sale | UGears US
Triceratops | Officiële Nederlandse UGears webshop
Triceratops | Officiële Nederlandse UGears webshop
クチコミ評価(4.8 / 28件)
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